Sunday, June 6, 2010


Make every moment worth remembering

Sources: Myself, Artpixie, Harlequins party, johnnys bird, oyster mag.

Each day begins as a mystery and ends as a memory. Make each of those memories worth telling your bestfriend over tea and cake or around the fire under the stars. Reminisce with the past, make plans for the future and dream during the day. Give generously take moderately and love what you have.
Life is a gift that we should shake before opening, and love so much that we unwrap carefully, not to tare the paper.


chantelle said...

amazing post! i love tallulah :) her ed for oyster was incredible! you're stunning as always ♥

Megan. said...

I love every single one of these picture! There amazing!

Velvet Rose said...

amazing pics! *-*

Unknown said...


Georgia said...

great mix of photos! love it x

Indah said...

fab pics!

Each day begins as a mystery and ends as a memory

that was deep. :)

Sarah said...

your text ist wonderful - so true.

Jess said...

LOVE the first image xx

TheMinx said...

fantastic shots, I love every single one :)

Poppy said...

Love all the photos..

Really like the first one!

Ale.Sanmed said...

wow great pics! the first is fantastic!


I love them all! And those words are so true :)

Ivy said...

love love love.
so inspiring.

Nádia said...

Incredible pics!!!

Sally said...

Your photos are amazing! So nice to see a bit of diversity
Love your blog!

Sally & Chloe

Julia said...

Fabulous pictures! Thank you for all of them!


Krislyn said...

god, such amazing pictures... and i LOVE your previous post featuring your dad's shirts. you are such a beauty.

Amber said...

wauw amazing pictures!
x amber

Laura. said...

I love your hair!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos! ^^

milos said...

brilliant photo selection. love your blog

Kristine said...

I just discovered your blog and I love it!! Amazing pictures!

rachel kara said...

Oh wow what a collection...I am now ready to go out and have an amazing day. Can't wait for cake around the fire at the end of it.
Thank you for sharing lovely


Sofia Leo said...

Oh blog is beautiful! I was forced to go back a few pages and the click 'follow'.

Sofia Leo :*